It seems everyone has an opinion, especially those armchair ‘experts’ who state with absolute certainty a person’s guilt or innocence, never having seen a single paper in the case their information gained from lurid and wildly inaccurate newspaper headlines and gossip and their opinions formed by their own personal prejudices and agenda. Trolls, poison pen’ journalists’ and pseudo academics undermine and attack cases hiding behind claims that they are helping miscarriages of justice cases. Others exploit those desperate for justice, vulnerable people are conned out of money, exploited by those who claim to have all the answers when they have none, it sometimes seems that those who shout the loudest have nothing to say.
It is most often a long and lonely path fighting injustice when ,suddenly out of the blue it seems ,new information comes to light, but this is often a result of many years work behind the scenes.
If you want to know the truth behind the headlines if you want to hear from those intimately involved in these cases, then you must attend the United Against Injustice Conference Saturday 29 October 2022.